When it comes to working with or for a company, one thing that can significantly impact the happiness of those involved is the company culture. Company culture is a set of shared values, goals, attitudes, and practices that characterize an organization. So if a company has a healthy and happy culture, the employees will produce a happy and healthy output; this can impact the entire company from individual employees to clients and customers and how profitable the business is overall. 


How to Build Company Culture

Whether intentionally or not, company culture will be developed by your team. It’s essential first to understand what you value and how it can be implemented into big picture ideas and day-to-day operations. But remember, writing down a statement or vision means nothing until it’s put into practice. If someone joins your company because they like the words written on paper, they will be very disappointed to discover that they are not practiced. Once you figure out the values, take time to set your goals. No, this doesn’t mean financial goals or profits; it means your company’s fundamental ideas. It’s ok to shoot for the stars when it comes to these goals; they should define what the company is working towards. 


How to Involve the Team

Company culture extends from entry-level employees to the CEO. When someone joins the team, introduce them to the culture, and explain how they can be a part of it. Ensure that the employees exemplify the culture so that it spreads naturally, and anytime you see someone demonstrating it, be sure to reward them! During big meetings or even check-ins, remind the employees how the culture and values play a part in everything they do, from sales and customer service to technicians and reps. Once it is ingrained into everyone’s minds, it will become a regular part of their daily routine. 


Now that you are more knowledgeable about what it takes to create company culture pause a moment to think about your own. When was the last time you and the team discussed your values and goals? As a small business, do your part during the early stages to set your team up for success. How do you define your company culture? Share it with us in the comments below. 

Published On: October 2nd, 2020 / Categories: Brand Development, Business Advice, SEO / Tags: , , /