Designing a website that generates tons of traffic and a great ROI is the ultimate goal for any business. In order to achieve this however, there are certain steps that must be taken in order for your page to get great search engine result pages (SERPs). Below are seven savvy tips to attain that goal and improve your Google Ranking.

Expansive Keyword Search

This should be the first step in SEO. Take time to figure out what words are used by your target audience and use them on relevant pages. Best practices dictate to use these keywords in the page title, meta description as well as appearing in the first paragraph of the relevant copy pages.

Make Navigation Easy

Search engines and users alike love effortless browsing. It is essential for a site to have simple navigation. A clean design and creating clear text links to all parts of your website is essential for creating an enjoyable consumer experience.

Correct Coding

A website not only needs to look pretty from the outside, but the inside as well. What this refers to of course, is the code. Having clean coding enhances the user experience. Additionally, correct coding also makes it easy to remove, add or update the website.

Regular Maintenance

Having the correct coding is the first step. Keeping your coding up-to-date is an on-going process that should be regularly maintained in order to avoid any internal or user errors.

Focus on the Content

Catchy content will not only initially attract visitors; it will keep them coming back for more. What this translates to is website loyalty and of course, sales!

Track your Progress

Utilize your Google Analytics and other various programs to see how your website is performing. Learn how people are interacting with your website to see what is working for you and what isn’t and adjust the keywords and content accordingly.

Stay Current

This is actually a lot easier than it sounds. Keep up with current SEO trends by following credible websites and keeping yourself informed.

By following these simple tips, your website Google ranking will surely move up! Like with all things, it will take time but rest-assured, taking these steps and keeping your website fresh and updated will always yield positive results!

Published On: February 2nd, 2017 / Categories: SEO, Social Media / Tags: , , , /